NBCU Policy Reminders

Required for a) all hotel and car rental expenses b) out of pocket expenses >= $25 c) an itemized receipt for food/beverage expenses > $250 d) paper receipts must be mailed to travel office for international hotel and car rental expenses for VAT reclaim.

Detailed/itemized receipts are required for all food and/or beverage expenses > $250. The expense type Meals-Multiple Attendees should be used for all food or beverage related entertainment expenses.

Ideally complete one expense report per month.

Corporate cards should not be used for personal expenses at any time. You may not use your corporate card in place of a personal card.

Unless otherwise permitted, coach class is required for all flights. For international flights greater than 6 hours, one cabin upgrade is allowed. Premium economy is required where available on international flights greater than 6 hours.

This field should be populated with the business reason for the expense you are entering. If you do not have enough space for a detailed business reason, please use the comments box

Mileage is permitted for the use of a personal car for business needs, such as trip to/from an airport for a business trip. Gasoline is only permitted for car rentals and company issued vehicles.

Gifts to employees are prohibited except for lifecycle events. One gift from the Company (i.e. not per employee) up to $150 is allowed. Gifts for retirement must be coordinated through HR. Gifts for promotions, birthdays and anniversaries are not permitted.

Defined as the birth of a child, wedding, or death of a family member.

Corporate cards will be suspended for all aged charges over 60 days (from the transaction date), excluding airfare charges and for all expense reports not reviewed by the manager within 30 days of receiving it in his/her approval queue. Reinstatement of cards, which takes 2-3 business days, cannot be expedited.

Employee (non-client) – used for NBCU employee/contractor events

Entertainment Expense (incl. employee functions) – used for events with a mix of NBCU employees/contractors and clients, vendors, or gov’t employees

Non-Employee (Client/Vendor) – for entertainment events where only clients, vendors, or gov’t employees are present (no NBCU employees/contractors at event)

Ensure the proper label is used for NBCU employees/contractors versus clients, vendors, and gov’t employees

Airfare should be expensed when trip is completed. Cards will not be suspended for aged airfare.

Should be expensed when incurred. Include the deposit in the itemization as a reduction on the final bill when trip is completed.